Terms of Service

Age of Consent Agreement

  • first YOU must be 18+ older to be;

  • ;viewing this link

  • ;commissioning me art that contains nsfw, gore, blood, or anything dramatic horror, lust, or death art

  • If I find out that you're a minor I will report and block you

Commission requests


  • OC/s that are at least age of 18+ yrs old and older

  • VTuber Characters that are older than 18

  • Anime Characters that are older than 18

  • Other Fictional characters that are older than 18

  • Revealing skin like wearing explicit clothing

  • Full nude

  • Any genitals

  • Blood, Gore - Cannibalism, etc.

  • Submissive poses, faces

  • I can draw femboys just make sure they are older than 18

  • I can only draw about 2-5 characters on 1 canvas


  • Rape

  • Incest

  • Pedophilia

  • child pornography

  • Anything that are like Proshippers kind of request

  • Furries...? (idk how to draw them in this way so uh no)

Communication Service

  • First, check my Schedule pls

  • I am very active on Twitter and Discord

  • For more ways to reach me I will try to be active on business email

  • My Discord is publicly posted here for commission purposes only, I accept friend requests

Use of Art after Commissions or Not Related to Commissions Guidelines

  • Always ask for permission if you want to re-post or use my art, and put proper credit.

  • Do not claim my works as yours

  • Filtering it with any apps like AI art to convert it to look original is strictly prohibited, you will be blocked and I will never provide services for you relating to commissioning me

  • Using my art to spread hate is strictly prohibited and unethical, you will be blocked and I will never provide services for you relating to commissioning me

  • Do not ever trace them It is alright to trace for practice but claiming it to be yours is not ethical

  • Selling my free posted art from any social media I have is prohibited, I DO NOT ALLOW IT

  • You can only sell my art when you commissioned it from me, aka CUSTOMLY MADE FROM ME. But you should still put proper credit of me in that art

  • Just Don't steal art, you work hard for it.

  • Please READ: if you're wondering why I allow gore art, well because I find gore as art and it's very beautiful in a way that is only fictional to me, but it should not be tolerated to use it for promoting self-harm, violence, murder, or anything weird, just make sure your intentions of using my art is only fictional or like fictional story based. It goes the same as any genre of NSFW art I make

How long will it take?

  • Approximately 2-3 days when I really like your request, it boosts my ability to draw it faster and finish it

  • If your requests may require complex backgrounds, poses, it may take 2-4 weeks

  • If your request is very very hard such as making a reference sheet, it may take me 2 months to finish, It requires a clean lineart, colors blend well, and such

  • Please be patient

Payment Method, Sales and Purchase Agreement

  • I will give you a sample sketch of your request so you know my art style. BUT, once you approve of it you must pay first before I start coloring, shading, and rendering. I WILL NOT CONTINUE your commission if you do not pay first

  • Always ask yourself if you're sure of commissioning me because once you paid there will be no refunds

  • If you have GCash or PayPal I accept,

  • Please message me immediately if you did not receive the image after the commission

  • If the image is a bit dirty such as random marks that are unnecessary on the canvas, please message me immediately, reason for this is because of sketch marks or color marks since I manually draw and put colors

  • Example if you want to add or remove something from the progress/finished drawing is an additional charge. Please, be sure of your choices, thank you

  • New: if I found out you didn't pay the exact amount I will not give you the commission. I can send proof of who you are and the payment through screenshot

Paypal Agreement

  • The PayPal account I am using is my personal account

  • You can only know the username of that PayPal since it will be in a link like https://paypal.me/username

  • The account is a personal account which means it has fewer options for covering the real name, and location. PLEASE respect and DO NOT use that information that may lead to harming me and my family

  • New: I will only send my paypal link if you are able to choose from the sample sketch

Slots: Agreement to be part of List

  • I made another slot link to separate SFW art and NSFW art

  • When you commission me you are to agree that your social media name (not username, not full name, not real name) will be part of the List. The List serves as a receipt and to get myself organized with the people that commissioned me

  • The List has things needed such as: Name, Messaging Apps, Request, Part of Slot?, Status: paid/unpaid, Date Requested and Date Accomplished

What I need before you commission me

  • Please provide me a detailed reference to your request such as;

  • ;color (the whole reference of the character)

  • ;clothes (if you have different clothing in mind)

  • ;pose (provide me a reference of the pose if there is a specific pose you want me to do if not I will choose one myself)

  • ;background

  • ;objects (idk like sex toys or weapons knives, cutter, etc.)

  • ;shape and size of canvas like square, vertical rectangle, and horizontal rectangle, Instagram size, YouTube video size, YouTube banner size, twitter banner size, etc.

Privacy and Safety

  • As a freelance digital artist;

  • ;If you are using a personal paypal account to pay me the amount of the commission/s, your Personal Information will not be shared to anyone and anywhere. Your Personal Information is safe with me and only I can see it

  • ;whenever you commission me, I will ask of your consent to post your commission with my signature and a watermark naming "commission commission, commission, do not use" and @ your username. This purpose is to let my followers and other people know that someone commissioned me and to promote my artistic skills

  • ;If you do not consent or give permission of me to post your commission it is alright with me, I will respect and will not post your commission